Friday, December 14, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Vote Yacko to win VIMA2013 & My Unreleased Track "Proposition" Will Be Sent to your E-mail
Vote Yacko to win VIMA2013 and get the chance to download my unreleased track "Proposition" for free!
Here's what you gotta do:
Happy Voting!
Here's what you gotta do:
- Click this Voting Link
- Vote Yacko in all categories. If you have voted, the green button will change its colors.
- Print Screen your proof of vote like the image below (for all categories) then send them to my e-mail:
- Sit nicely and I will send you "Proposition" for free.
Happy Voting!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Spread This Flyer and Start to Vote
VIMA 2013,
VIMA music award,
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
VIMA 2013 Voting is now Open! Vote for Yacko!
The public voting for VIMA MUSIC AWARDS 2013 is now open! Voting links will be open until Dec 28th, 2012. Global Judges will begin evaluating from Nov 30th until Dec 30th,2012. The public voting makes up 30% of the overall scores for each act.
The remaining 60% will be determined by global judges and a further 10%
from the social media presence of each musician.
VIMA music awards is the most participated music event for independent and unsigned musicians in Southeast Asia. VIMA 2013 attracted more than 1300 song submissions from musicians from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei.
FYI, Yacko is nominated in Best Hip Hop Song, Best Hip Hop Act, Best Overall Female Act, Best Genre Bender & Best Collaboration. So if you think I deserve to have any of these awards and represent Indonesia in VIMA 2013 that covers Southeast Asia, then Vote for Me! :)
You don't have to register to vote. Just click each link below:
Best Hip Hop Act
Best Hip Hop Song: That Girl Yacko feat. NSG
Best Overall Female Act
Best Genre Bender: Filthy Rich - Yacko & Lawrence Philip
Best Collaboration: Yacko & Lawrence Philip - Filthy Rich
Terimakasih banyak Indonesia! #IndonesiaStandUp
VIMA music awards is the most participated music event for independent and unsigned musicians in Southeast Asia. VIMA 2013 attracted more than 1300 song submissions from musicians from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei.
FYI, Yacko is nominated in Best Hip Hop Song, Best Hip Hop Act, Best Overall Female Act, Best Genre Bender & Best Collaboration. So if you think I deserve to have any of these awards and represent Indonesia in VIMA 2013 that covers Southeast Asia, then Vote for Me! :)
You don't have to register to vote. Just click each link below:
Best Hip Hop Act
Best Hip Hop Song: That Girl Yacko feat. NSG
Best Overall Female Act
Best Genre Bender: Filthy Rich - Yacko & Lawrence Philip
Best Collaboration: Yacko & Lawrence Philip - Filthy Rich
Terimakasih banyak Indonesia! #IndonesiaStandUp
Monday, November 26, 2012
Do you want me to perform at VIMA 2012 in Kuala Lumpur, Feb 24, 2013?
If you say yes to this, if you think I got what it takes to represent Indonesia in VIMA 2012, please help me win the public polls: WHO SHOULD PERFORM at VIMA.
Here's what you gotta do:
Here's what you gotta do:
- Like VIMA MUSIC AWARDS facebook Page.
- Find their post about: Who should perform at VIMA music awards night? We have 12 slots available
- Select my name: YACKO
- Or you can just click this link -->>
VIMA 2013,
VIMA music award,
Friday, November 23, 2012
Vote Yacko at VIMA2013
VIMA 2013,
VIMA music award,
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Breaking News! Yacko nabs 5 nominations in VIMA 2013 - Southeast Asia
Anotha big news has just struck me! After ICEMA and PARANOIA, VIMA 2013 just informed me that I have been nominated in FIVE categories. They are Best Hip Hop Act, Best Overall Female Act, Best Hip Hop Song (That Girl Yacko feat. NSG), Best Collaboration and Best Genre Bender (Filthy Rich feat. Lawrence Philip). Holy Moly!!! FIVEEE!!! I still can't believe this and never stop thanking God. And of course, INDONESIA, I will need your biggest support to vote for me!!
FYI, VIMA stands for Voice Independent Music Awards. VIMA 2013 is considered the most important and participated independent music awards of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei). The awards, now in its 4th installment, will recognize the winners at an awards ceremony on February 24th, 2012 at The View, G Tower, Kuala Lumpur.
VIMA is organized by Bite Media and Saintz & Sinnerz, an international marketing and brand company specialising in social media,lifestyle and entertainment. VIMA is supported by TUNE Hotels, De Lena Fashion Jewellery (Croatia), 8TV, The Malay Mail, Heyday Streetwear (Singapore),, Hard Rock Hotel Penang,Rentak Sejuta, Indie TV Indonesia, Genesis Pro-Audio, Guitar Store,Sony Music Entertainment Malaysia,, Seventh Tribe Studio (Kuching), MyTamilChannel, Year One Events & Talents, Distronesia (Indonesia), BAKED COOKIES, Rosiegraphie (official photographer) & (Indonesia).
The criteria for winning:
"This time, 10% of the overall scores will be allocated to evaluate how well musicians engage their fans online. We also advise nominees to work closely with their media friends to create more buzz and publicity about their nominations so that they get in the public votes, which make up 30% of the overall scores.The final 60% is determined by global and regional judges” said Meera Thuraivel, CEO of Bite Media and co-founder of VIMA.
Voting will begin from 26th November 2012 until December 28th,2012 The voting link for public and judges to listen to all songs will be announced on all VIMA platforms on November 25th, 2012.Fans and musicians are advised to join the new VIMA Facebook page for all updates at
Updates and announcements can also be found at
The complete nominees list can be found here
FYI, VIMA stands for Voice Independent Music Awards. VIMA 2013 is considered the most important and participated independent music awards of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei). The awards, now in its 4th installment, will recognize the winners at an awards ceremony on February 24th, 2012 at The View, G Tower, Kuala Lumpur.
VIMA is organized by Bite Media and Saintz & Sinnerz, an international marketing and brand company specialising in social media,lifestyle and entertainment. VIMA is supported by TUNE Hotels, De Lena Fashion Jewellery (Croatia), 8TV, The Malay Mail, Heyday Streetwear (Singapore),, Hard Rock Hotel Penang,Rentak Sejuta, Indie TV Indonesia, Genesis Pro-Audio, Guitar Store,Sony Music Entertainment Malaysia,, Seventh Tribe Studio (Kuching), MyTamilChannel, Year One Events & Talents, Distronesia (Indonesia), BAKED COOKIES, Rosiegraphie (official photographer) & (Indonesia).
The criteria for winning:
"This time, 10% of the overall scores will be allocated to evaluate how well musicians engage their fans online. We also advise nominees to work closely with their media friends to create more buzz and publicity about their nominations so that they get in the public votes, which make up 30% of the overall scores.The final 60% is determined by global and regional judges” said Meera Thuraivel, CEO of Bite Media and co-founder of VIMA.
Voting will begin from 26th November 2012 until December 28th,2012 The voting link for public and judges to listen to all songs will be announced on all VIMA platforms on November 25th, 2012.Fans and musicians are advised to join the new VIMA Facebook page for all updates at
Updates and announcements can also be found at
The complete nominees list can be found here
Thursday, November 8, 2012
LOOSE CONTROL or GASPOL (that's how Echa & me prefer to call it :P) has hit Number 1 in Paranoia Dance Chart Hardrock FM for 3 Weeks in a row!
and we're going to be generous to you by releasing the FREE DOWNLOAD here
Go ahead and gasss pollllllll!!!!!!!
My photo in the artwork is photographed by Alice Yu (@gutter4bbit)
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
This year has been really generous to me. Yesterday, I was informed by Lawrence and few minutes later I was tagged in the poster of PARANOIA AWARDS 2012. It turns out to be that FILTHY RICH is nominated for the LOCAL DANCE TRACK OF THE YEAR. This is really a surprise for me, as I never expect this. And I got really excited because this is like the second nomination I got this year after ICEMA.
FYI, the following information is taken from,
Thanks for your support!
One love!
FYI, the following information is taken from,
Ajang penghargaan pertama ini kembali
diadakan oleh Hard Rock FM dan O Channel pada bulan Desember mendatang.
Acara yang bertema ‘Party With Attitude’ ini menghadirkan 14 kategori
dengan kualitas nominasi yang bisa Hard Rockers pilih melalui SMS ke
nomor 0811876876, dengan mengetik format
KATEGORI<spasi>PILIHAN atau website Hard Rock FM. Paranoia Awards
merupakan acara tahunan dari program Paranoia yang memang
diselenggarakan oleh Hard Rock FM setiap Jumat pk 21.00–22.00 WIB dan O
Channel setiap Sabtu dan Minggu pk 22.00–22.30 WIB.
Acara ini dilatarbelakangi untuk mengkomunikasikan pada masyarakat bahwa dunia dance tidak selalu berhubungan dengan nightlife,
namun juga merupakan bagian dari sebuah genre musik yang membutuhkan
keahlian khusus untuk menghasilkan sebuah karya. Yap, inilah saatnya
kita untuk mengapresiasi dance scene.
Berikut adalah kategori yang Hard
Rockers pilih adalah DJ of The Year, VJ of The Year, MC of The Year,
Club of The Year, Resident DJ of The Year, EO Promotor of The Year,
Rookie of The Year, Event of The Year, Club Night of The Year, Local
Dance Track of The Year, Producer of The Year, Rural Club of The Year,
Rural DJ of The Year, dan Album of The Year.
So if ya dig FILTHY RICH go to and find the banner in the website that look like something like this below and vote for that track.
Thanks for your support!
One love!
Friday, November 2, 2012
My Thoughts & 3 Nominations for Brrapp! at ICEMA Karnaval Musik Indonesia 2012
Kemarin (1 November), gw dapat kabar dari suami kalo Yacko melalui lagu Brrapp! yang musiknya digarap oleh NSG dapat 3 nominasi di Indonesia Cutting Edge Music Awards (ICEMA) 2012. Tiga nominasi tersebut ada di kategori Best Hip Hop Song, Favorite Song, dan Favorite Solo Artist. Buat teman-teman yang suka lagu Brrapp! dan berkenan mendukung silahkan vote di sini
Alhamdulillah! itu reaksi pertama gw saat dipercaya kembali masuk dalam ajang penghargaan yang diberikan sebagai apresiasi kepada musisi Indonesia yang memiliki semangat pembaharuan dalam menciptakan karya musik dengan bentuk-bentuk ekspresi baru, lewat penjelajahan musikal yang beraneka-ragam, sehingga menawarkan pilihan-pilihan baru akan karya musik berkualitas kepada publik di tengah dominasi musik mainstream (dikutip dari press release ICEMA).
Personally, gw mengartikan penghargaan ini sebagai kepercayaan dari teman-teman bahwa gw tetap mencoba berusaha untuk terus bereksplorasi, berekspresi dan konsisten di jalur musik gw.
Di kategori Best Hip Hop Song ICEMA 2012 ini gw bersanding dengan lagu-lagu dari bbrp kawan yang kebetulan sudah gw kenal, yaitu:
Yang gw bold di atas tentunya merupakan harapan gw untuk ICEMA berikutnya (ICEMA 2012). Namun terus terang terbersit ada rasa kecewa dan mungkin juga di beberapa teman pelaku hip hop, kenapa jumlah nominator yang masuk ada di kategori hip hop masih sedikit juga dan termasuk sedikit dibanding dengan kategori Folk, Hardcore, Rock, Indie Rock, Reggae dan bbrp kategori lain.
Memang gw bersyukur masih ada Hip Hop kategori yang muncul di ICEMA 2012 dan bukan gw tidak bersyukur dengan masuknya gw di kategori tersebut, tapi timbul tiga pertanyaan besar di benak gw:
Dikatakan di atas, Komite ICEMA akan mengumpulkan materi lagu. Kata mengumpulkan disini agak sedikit membingungkan buat gw. Apakah komite yang akan mengumpulkan dengan cara melakukan riset ke komunitas-komunitas ataukah pelaku-pelaku hip hopnya yang harus mengirimkan materi untuk diseleksi? Karena kalau komite yang melakukan riset dengan mampir sana sini, komunitas hip hop punya web community yang cukup besar dan punya berita-berita rilisan yang sangat up-to-date dan juga lengkap dengan materi yang bisa diputar plus youtube video, yaitu dan Di dua website tersebut komite bisa memilih materi-materi untuk disaring lebih lanjut.
Apabila musisi-musisinya lah yang harus mengirimkan materi, tentu saja musisi2nya yang harus lebih aktif mencari informasi tentang ICEMA dan mengirimkan materi-materi mereka disertai profil dan contact person yang lengkap. Tapi mungkin untuk menghindari sedikitnya materi terkirim, ICEMA bisa membantu untuk mengkomunikasikan proses penyaringan dan mengundang musisi-musisinya untuk mengirimkan materi. Salah satunya dengan cara bekerjasama dan menaruh press release di kedua web community tersebut di atas.
Kalau faktor kualitas, terus terang gw sangat bangga dengan kemajuan hip-hop lokal. Karena dari periode April 2010 hingga juli 2012, banyak sekali rilisan-rilisan materi hip hop dari berbagai macam propinsi dengan kualitas baik. Kualitas materi yang gw maksud disini adalah mulai dari lirik hingga musik hingga clip lengkap hingga karakter masing2. Tidak cuma bercerita ttg pelek mobil mengkilat atau bling-bling. Beberapa contoh di antaranya adalah Wizzow (1SME), Pandji (Merdesa), Kojek (Betawi Punya Rapper), Lady Gan feat. Arvisco (Headbanging), Mack G (Yang Mana), Optimuzt (Rhythm Therapy), Niska, Hip Hop NAD Syndicate, Dia Lo Gue, Gandiholic, 8Ball, Willy Winarko, Endru March, SOUL ID, Saykoji, Native, Kozzi, Lil Gucci, Eyefeelsix, DULE, RUNBDG movement, dan masi banyak lagi yang belum saya sebutkan
Bukan maksud gw mempertanyakan kriteria apa saja yang jadi faktor penyeleksi, tapi gw yakin paling tidak ada satu atau dua nama di atas yang pantas dinominasikan di Best Hip Hop Song. Apalagi bila dikaitkan dengan misi ICEMA yaitu penjelajahan musikal yang beraneka-ragam, dengan karakter hip hop lokal yang berbeda satu sama lain, gw rasa jumlah nominator dalam kategori tersebut dapat bertambah.
Sekali lagi tulisan ini gw post bukan gw tidak bersyukur dengan dinominasikannya gw dan tetap munculnya kategori Hip Hop di ICEMA 2012 atau memandang remeh nominator2 lainnya atau mendiskreditkan siapapun, tapi lebih semata karena harapan gw belum tercapai. Mudah-mudahan pikiran gw bisa dilihat sebagai masukan untuk ICEMA dan juga pelaku-pelaku hip hop Indonesia sendiri.
Much Love & Respect!
Alhamdulillah! itu reaksi pertama gw saat dipercaya kembali masuk dalam ajang penghargaan yang diberikan sebagai apresiasi kepada musisi Indonesia yang memiliki semangat pembaharuan dalam menciptakan karya musik dengan bentuk-bentuk ekspresi baru, lewat penjelajahan musikal yang beraneka-ragam, sehingga menawarkan pilihan-pilihan baru akan karya musik berkualitas kepada publik di tengah dominasi musik mainstream (dikutip dari press release ICEMA).
Personally, gw mengartikan penghargaan ini sebagai kepercayaan dari teman-teman bahwa gw tetap mencoba berusaha untuk terus bereksplorasi, berekspresi dan konsisten di jalur musik gw.
Di kategori Best Hip Hop Song ICEMA 2012 ini gw bersanding dengan lagu-lagu dari bbrp kawan yang kebetulan sudah gw kenal, yaitu:
- Jogja Hip Hop Foundation - Jogja Istimewa
- Jalan Surabaya - Alam Maya
- Danger Dope - Tuntutlah Ilmu Sampai ke Negeri China
- Aljabar Feat. Adi Siswowidjono - Flattery
Yang gw bold di atas tentunya merupakan harapan gw untuk ICEMA berikutnya (ICEMA 2012). Namun terus terang terbersit ada rasa kecewa dan mungkin juga di beberapa teman pelaku hip hop, kenapa jumlah nominator yang masuk ada di kategori hip hop masih sedikit juga dan termasuk sedikit dibanding dengan kategori Folk, Hardcore, Rock, Indie Rock, Reggae dan bbrp kategori lain.
Memang gw bersyukur masih ada Hip Hop kategori yang muncul di ICEMA 2012 dan bukan gw tidak bersyukur dengan masuknya gw di kategori tersebut, tapi timbul tiga pertanyaan besar di benak gw:
- Apakah sangat sedikitkah materi-materi lagu hip hop yang dapat dikumpulkan komite ICEMA?
- Apakah sangat sedikitkah materi lagu hip-hop yang dikirimkan oleh pelaku-pelaku hip hop Indonesia dan diterima dengan komite ICEMA?
- Apakah sedikitnya jumlah tersebut karena faktor kualitas materi dari lagu-lagunya sehingga pada saat tahap penyaringan sudah banyak yang gugur?
Dikatakan di atas, Komite ICEMA akan mengumpulkan materi lagu. Kata mengumpulkan disini agak sedikit membingungkan buat gw. Apakah komite yang akan mengumpulkan dengan cara melakukan riset ke komunitas-komunitas ataukah pelaku-pelaku hip hopnya yang harus mengirimkan materi untuk diseleksi? Karena kalau komite yang melakukan riset dengan mampir sana sini, komunitas hip hop punya web community yang cukup besar dan punya berita-berita rilisan yang sangat up-to-date dan juga lengkap dengan materi yang bisa diputar plus youtube video, yaitu dan Di dua website tersebut komite bisa memilih materi-materi untuk disaring lebih lanjut.
Apabila musisi-musisinya lah yang harus mengirimkan materi, tentu saja musisi2nya yang harus lebih aktif mencari informasi tentang ICEMA dan mengirimkan materi-materi mereka disertai profil dan contact person yang lengkap. Tapi mungkin untuk menghindari sedikitnya materi terkirim, ICEMA bisa membantu untuk mengkomunikasikan proses penyaringan dan mengundang musisi-musisinya untuk mengirimkan materi. Salah satunya dengan cara bekerjasama dan menaruh press release di kedua web community tersebut di atas.
Kalau faktor kualitas, terus terang gw sangat bangga dengan kemajuan hip-hop lokal. Karena dari periode April 2010 hingga juli 2012, banyak sekali rilisan-rilisan materi hip hop dari berbagai macam propinsi dengan kualitas baik. Kualitas materi yang gw maksud disini adalah mulai dari lirik hingga musik hingga clip lengkap hingga karakter masing2. Tidak cuma bercerita ttg pelek mobil mengkilat atau bling-bling. Beberapa contoh di antaranya adalah Wizzow (1SME), Pandji (Merdesa), Kojek (Betawi Punya Rapper), Lady Gan feat. Arvisco (Headbanging), Mack G (Yang Mana), Optimuzt (Rhythm Therapy), Niska, Hip Hop NAD Syndicate, Dia Lo Gue, Gandiholic, 8Ball, Willy Winarko, Endru March, SOUL ID, Saykoji, Native, Kozzi, Lil Gucci, Eyefeelsix, DULE, RUNBDG movement, dan masi banyak lagi yang belum saya sebutkan
Bukan maksud gw mempertanyakan kriteria apa saja yang jadi faktor penyeleksi, tapi gw yakin paling tidak ada satu atau dua nama di atas yang pantas dinominasikan di Best Hip Hop Song. Apalagi bila dikaitkan dengan misi ICEMA yaitu penjelajahan musikal yang beraneka-ragam, dengan karakter hip hop lokal yang berbeda satu sama lain, gw rasa jumlah nominator dalam kategori tersebut dapat bertambah.
Sekali lagi tulisan ini gw post bukan gw tidak bersyukur dengan dinominasikannya gw dan tetap munculnya kategori Hip Hop di ICEMA 2012 atau memandang remeh nominator2 lainnya atau mendiskreditkan siapapun, tapi lebih semata karena harapan gw belum tercapai. Mudah-mudahan pikiran gw bisa dilihat sebagai masukan untuk ICEMA dan juga pelaku-pelaku hip hop Indonesia sendiri.
Much Love & Respect!
Monday, October 29, 2012
A good friend of mine, DJ WW has just released Blowfish Duo Mixtape 2012. William Wijaya, as we know by the name of DJ w.W started his DJ career
not so long ago, in 2005 when he was still at the young age of 19 years
old. Just recently he joined a big production called Trigger Production,
where he shares his passion for music that drove him all the way up to
where he is now. After rockin' the Indo HipHop club scene, from Jakarta
to Bandung all the way to the Islands of Gods (Bali), for more than 6
years now, he has become well known as one of the finest HipHop DJs in
I suspect Dj Justen will be on CD2 which is not released yet.
Click this link below to get the feel of it
I suspect Dj Justen will be on CD2 which is not released yet.
Click this link below to get the feel of it
My New Tatts
Here goes my new tattoo. Bday present from my husband. Initial draft by a good friend, Reggie @Gvoiz. Customized and Inked by a brilliant and influential tattoo artist and graffiti artist, Maze @tattoolarasati
The Hanacaraka is Ojo Kumingsun. Means "Jangan merasa benar dan berkuasa sendiri" as a reminder for me. and I named the bird as Si Gembuk, which represents Alana, my girl.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Me and SoulNation have been a true BFF these last few years. I got my own set in the 2008 and was featured in RAN's set and was included in the Rock and Hip Hop collaboration with the Flowers. In 2009, I got to help Pandji's special show. A year later, I had my own stage again supported by The Executive Killers and many other friends. I also helped SOUL ID who released their latest album. Last year, I rocked the stage with Amanda and Friends and supporting Tribute to Amy Winehouse.
This year, on the same day (Friday, 28th Sept 2012), I will be supporting three different acts. Spice Girls Experience with the amazing spice girls: Sashi Gandarum, Jemima, Emily Laras, Lala Karmela and Renita at 6pm. Then, my husband's project N.I.C.K at 7 pm. Last but not least, the infamous Homogenic at 8 pm.
So make sure you catch their performances! See ya at JavaSoulNation!!!
This year, on the same day (Friday, 28th Sept 2012), I will be supporting three different acts. Spice Girls Experience with the amazing spice girls: Sashi Gandarum, Jemima, Emily Laras, Lala Karmela and Renita at 6pm. Then, my husband's project N.I.C.K at 7 pm. Last but not least, the infamous Homogenic at 8 pm.
So make sure you catch their performances! See ya at JavaSoulNation!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Found this Article on Koran Jakarta (Digital Edition)
Yacko "Rapper" Sekaligus Dosen
Penyanyi rap, Yani Oktaviana, sehari-hari menjalani profesi sebagai dosen. Ia mengajar di Unisadhuguna International College dan Uniprep yang berlokasi di Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Jakarta. Mata kuliah yang ia berikan adalah Marketing Management dan Mass Communication.
Wanita yang akrab dipanggil dengan sebutan Yacko ini menerangkan dirinya memang sejak dulu tertarik untuk mengajar. Pada dasarnya, Yacko senang belajar dan menimba ilmu. Saat ini, sudah ada tiga titel ia sandang. Gelar sarjana ia raih di Universitas Trisakti jurusan manajemen Bisnis Internasional. Lalu ia mengambil S1 lagi di Edith Cowen University, Perth, Australia. Seusai meraih gelas di Edit Cowen, ia melanjutkan kuliah S2 di Woolonggong University, New South Wales. Selain S2 bidang ekonomi, ia juga mengambil diploma di jurusan Applied IT di Sidney University.
"Aku suka sharing knowledge. Passion untuk sharing knowledge itu sangat kuat dan aku rasa dengan modal pendidikanku di Master of Business Administration aku bisa mengajar," terangnya.
Setelah tiba di Tanah Tir pada tahun 2005, ia mulai mencari lowongan kerja dosen. Saat itu, ia melihat lowongan kerja dosen INTI College. Dirinya pun dipanggil dan disuruh untuk teaching demo. Ia diterima dan langsung mengajar di sana.
Sebagai rapper, Yacko telah mengeluarkan dua buah album. Album pertama berjudul Refleksi yang ia buat di Australia dan kemudian direkam di bawah label EMI saat ia kembali ke Indonesia pada 2005. Album kedua, Mendua ia buat di bawah indie label, Rizky Records. Album ketiga sedang dikerjakan dengan lagu pertama Brrapp! dan lagu kedua All Nite Long.
Yacko menyenangi dua bidang profesinya saat ini, yaitu menjadi dosen dan penyanyi rap. Untuk itu, ia memilih jadwal mengajar yang fleksibel. Ia mengajar dari Senin sampai Jumat. Dari Senin hingga Kamis ia mengajar sejak pukul 08.00 hingga 18.00 WIB, sementara di Jumat ia mengajar hingga pukul 12.00 WIB. "Jumat sore bisa aku gunakan untuk latihan nyanyi. Demikian pula Sabtu dan Minggu. Di weekend aku bisa tampil menyanyi jika ada tawaran manggung," terangnya.
Selain itu, menurutnya, kiprahnya di dunia tarik suara membuat dunia akademisi tidak membosankan. "Untuk membuat para mahasiswa saya tidak bosan, saya ajak mereka ke studio radio atau televisi. Ini bisa terjadi karena relasi yang aku punya di bidang musik," tutur kelahiran Surabaya, 10 Oktober 1979 ini.
Yacko pun tidak menerapkan batas dengan para mahasiswanya. Ia terkenal akrab dengan mahasiswa. Untuk selalu keep in touch dengan mahasiswa ia membuka komunikasi melalui Twitter mengenai tugas dan kesulitan pengajaran. wan/L-2
Here's the original link Terpujilah Wahai Engkau, Ibu-Bapak Guru
Penyanyi rap, Yani Oktaviana, sehari-hari menjalani profesi sebagai dosen. Ia mengajar di Unisadhuguna International College dan Uniprep yang berlokasi di Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Jakarta. Mata kuliah yang ia berikan adalah Marketing Management dan Mass Communication.
Wanita yang akrab dipanggil dengan sebutan Yacko ini menerangkan dirinya memang sejak dulu tertarik untuk mengajar. Pada dasarnya, Yacko senang belajar dan menimba ilmu. Saat ini, sudah ada tiga titel ia sandang. Gelar sarjana ia raih di Universitas Trisakti jurusan manajemen Bisnis Internasional. Lalu ia mengambil S1 lagi di Edith Cowen University, Perth, Australia. Seusai meraih gelas di Edit Cowen, ia melanjutkan kuliah S2 di Woolonggong University, New South Wales. Selain S2 bidang ekonomi, ia juga mengambil diploma di jurusan Applied IT di Sidney University.
"Aku suka sharing knowledge. Passion untuk sharing knowledge itu sangat kuat dan aku rasa dengan modal pendidikanku di Master of Business Administration aku bisa mengajar," terangnya.
Setelah tiba di Tanah Tir pada tahun 2005, ia mulai mencari lowongan kerja dosen. Saat itu, ia melihat lowongan kerja dosen INTI College. Dirinya pun dipanggil dan disuruh untuk teaching demo. Ia diterima dan langsung mengajar di sana.
Sebagai rapper, Yacko telah mengeluarkan dua buah album. Album pertama berjudul Refleksi yang ia buat di Australia dan kemudian direkam di bawah label EMI saat ia kembali ke Indonesia pada 2005. Album kedua, Mendua ia buat di bawah indie label, Rizky Records. Album ketiga sedang dikerjakan dengan lagu pertama Brrapp! dan lagu kedua All Nite Long.
Yacko menyenangi dua bidang profesinya saat ini, yaitu menjadi dosen dan penyanyi rap. Untuk itu, ia memilih jadwal mengajar yang fleksibel. Ia mengajar dari Senin sampai Jumat. Dari Senin hingga Kamis ia mengajar sejak pukul 08.00 hingga 18.00 WIB, sementara di Jumat ia mengajar hingga pukul 12.00 WIB. "Jumat sore bisa aku gunakan untuk latihan nyanyi. Demikian pula Sabtu dan Minggu. Di weekend aku bisa tampil menyanyi jika ada tawaran manggung," terangnya.
Selain itu, menurutnya, kiprahnya di dunia tarik suara membuat dunia akademisi tidak membosankan. "Untuk membuat para mahasiswa saya tidak bosan, saya ajak mereka ke studio radio atau televisi. Ini bisa terjadi karena relasi yang aku punya di bidang musik," tutur kelahiran Surabaya, 10 Oktober 1979 ini.
Yacko pun tidak menerapkan batas dengan para mahasiswanya. Ia terkenal akrab dengan mahasiswa. Untuk selalu keep in touch dengan mahasiswa ia membuka komunikasi melalui Twitter mengenai tugas dan kesulitan pengajaran. wan/L-2
Here's the original link Terpujilah Wahai Engkau, Ibu-Bapak Guru
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
From Twin Sista to one of the world famous emcees. Yes, it is the one and only Nova Ruth! Congrats for all of your achievement, girlfriend! I'm so proud of you! Errrbodyyy, make way for NOVA!!!!!!
As cited in KindleProject website, "It’s almost fall again, and with the season comes year four of the Makers Muse Award. We’ve spent the last year trawling the Internet, our cinemas, galleries, memory-banks, and libraries for the inventive and bizarre. While some have captivated us for years, others are new fascinations; this year’s recipients epitomize the awesome and the valorous.
Through the use of video, graphic novels, performance, writing, installation, web projects, design, archiving, music, and photography, the 2012 awardees all have a profoundly interdisciplinary edge to them. Tackling issues from justice to sexuality, uprisings to economy, these individuals will surely galvanize and provoke you."
As cited in KindleProject website, "It’s almost fall again, and with the season comes year four of the Makers Muse Award. We’ve spent the last year trawling the Internet, our cinemas, galleries, memory-banks, and libraries for the inventive and bizarre. While some have captivated us for years, others are new fascinations; this year’s recipients epitomize the awesome and the valorous.
Through the use of video, graphic novels, performance, writing, installation, web projects, design, archiving, music, and photography, the 2012 awardees all have a profoundly interdisciplinary edge to them. Tackling issues from justice to sexuality, uprisings to economy, these individuals will surely galvanize and provoke you."
Nova Ruth is
a life artist, musician and activist. Her first music project, the
conscious rap duo Twin Sista performed in contexts as diverse as
prisons, cheesy shopping malls, poetry festivals and punk gigs across
her native Indonesia. As a solo performer, Nova Ruth spread her poetry
and raps wider, traveling to Australia in 2008 at the invitation of Gang Festival. Nova is now part of the Barcelona-based AV project Filastine, where she sings, raps and plays drums on stages from Cairo to Paris to Tokyo. Her work with Filastine includes a pair of videos that
address cultural and ecological frictions, winning critical acclaim and
an award from the United Nations OCHA. Despite being on tour nearly
half of every year Nova continues to dedicate much of her time to
projects within Indonesia, including two acoustic bands, Ajér and Mimimintuno. Nova recently opened a cafe & cultural space called Legipait in her hometown of Malang, Java, where she organizes art expositions, micro-concerts, and readings. Nova worked for years with Engage Media,
a social justice and environmental video site for the Asia Pacific. Her
most recent project is a local environmental action group, SUMUK, focused on raising awareness of regional deforestation and pollution.
Follow her twitter: @novaruth
Follow her twitter: @novaruth
6 -----> Mansion, Bandung
7 -----> Puro, Blowfish, Jakarta
15 ----> Universitas Respati, Yogyakarta
22 ----> Coyote, Surabaya
28 ----> Supporting N.I.C.K, SoulNation, Jakarta
7 -----> Puro, Blowfish, Jakarta
15 ----> Universitas Respati, Yogyakarta
22 ----> Coyote, Surabaya
28 ----> Supporting N.I.C.K, SoulNation, Jakarta
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
After four
months of waiting and many delays, today (15/08/12) Yacko has released the music video Filthy Rich. Filthy Rich was directed and edited by Bima Girinda, one of the Indonesian drum and bass scenes most
respected names, who is also considered as a brilliant and visionary clip
director. The talented D.O.P Deska Binarso and Wisangggeni as the lighting man were also involved in the making of the video.
The video
represents the i-dont-care-about-haters attitude as the song was inspired by a
quote from Coretta Scott King (the wife of Martin Luther King, Jr) “Hate is too
great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated”.
Graffiti walls as well as two young professional skaters (Satria Vijie and Deny
Lizam) playing skateboards were also included as part of the elements that
express freedom.
Most of the
scenes were shot in Puink Skate Park, Kuningan Bridge and the underpass near
Wisma BNI 46 building. You
could also see a glimpse of Lawrence
Philip, who is also known as DJ Random or DJ Lawrence (Javabass), the beat
maker of this song. Live footages of Yacko and Lawrence at The Barons,
during Phunktion (regular Javabass event) were also added to the video.
Moreover, this video is powered by Converse, Obey, Famous and Marc Ecko 20:20. For more info about Puink Skate Park, follow @puinkskatepark and visit
Here's the video. Nanananana jumpin around!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Yacko at COYOTE SURABAYA 31st of May 2012
Yay, the great thing about performing in Surabaya is that I get to visit my hometown! :) I can tell you that Gado-gado Siram Surabaya is already dancing on my mind hehehehe.
So, whether you are a hiphop head or a party goer, join me at COYOTE SURABAYA
Thursday, 31st of May 2012
The legendary Iwa K supported by John Doe (SWTMRTBK) as well as the infamous DJ Schizology will also performing. One more, MC Bowlez (WAVE Production) will back up my performances.
See ya there :)
So, whether you are a hiphop head or a party goer, join me at COYOTE SURABAYA
Thursday, 31st of May 2012
The legendary Iwa K supported by John Doe (SWTMRTBK) as well as the infamous DJ Schizology will also performing. One more, MC Bowlez (WAVE Production) will back up my performances.
See ya there :)
coyote surabaya,
dj schizology,
iwa k,
john doe,
Monday, May 21, 2012
Yacko at RADIO SHOW TV ONE - Wednesday, 23 May 2012
For those of you who have been waiting for Yacko to play live at Radio Show TV One, here comes the good news.
I will be performing at Radio Show on Wednesday, 23rd of May 2012, 10.30 pm.
If you are a big fan of Sister Duke and Lloyd Popp, make sure that you catch my performance coz they will show off their sick talent!!!!
DJ Shamp, Anka, Marco and Arief will also be my partners in crime that nite :)
Moreover, you will get to see performances from ZEKE KHASELI, expect the unexpected!!!!
Mark your calendar and make sure you don't miss this one. Either be there at Pasar Festival or watching us on TV, your support is greatly appreciated!
Thanks :) Brrapp!!!
I will be performing at Radio Show on Wednesday, 23rd of May 2012, 10.30 pm.
If you are a big fan of Sister Duke and Lloyd Popp, make sure that you catch my performance coz they will show off their sick talent!!!!
DJ Shamp, Anka, Marco and Arief will also be my partners in crime that nite :)
Moreover, you will get to see performances from ZEKE KHASELI, expect the unexpected!!!!
Mark your calendar and make sure you don't miss this one. Either be there at Pasar Festival or watching us on TV, your support is greatly appreciated!
Thanks :) Brrapp!!!
radioshow tvone,
Filthy Rich Number 1 on TRAXJAMU chart TRAXFM (19th May 2012)
Last Saturday I got an invitation from TRAX FM to conduct an interview and live perform at TRAX JAMU, a local music chart program from TRAX FM.
The interview went very smooth and fun, the hosts, Joey and Dewi, they're like Kreeeiiiiziiii!! :)
and it turns out to be.... Filthy Rich is sitting on the peak position!!!! Yeah man, FILTHY RICH is NUMERO UNO this week!!!! Woohooooooo!!!!!
I really didnt expect this and of course I'm grateful to hear it. Hey Lawrence, we made it man :)
Thx TRAX FM, Esha, Joey and Dewi for the hospitality!
Much Love!
The interview went very smooth and fun, the hosts, Joey and Dewi, they're like Kreeeiiiiziiii!! :)
and it turns out to be.... Filthy Rich is sitting on the peak position!!!! Yeah man, FILTHY RICH is NUMERO UNO this week!!!! Woohooooooo!!!!!
I really didnt expect this and of course I'm grateful to hear it. Hey Lawrence, we made it man :)
Thx TRAX FM, Esha, Joey and Dewi for the hospitality!
Much Love!
filthy rich,
lawrence philip,
trax FM,
trax Jamu,
Friday, May 4, 2012
Interview at The Ghetto Mustang 88FM Jakarta with Dea
Sit back and Dea will take you on journey to Hiphop's golden days and future, plus.. some extra sound from R&B/Soul flava!
This Friday (04/05/12) Yacko is invited to join the show. So, change your radio frequency to 88 FM Mustang from 8 to 10 pm tonight.
This Friday (04/05/12) Yacko is invited to join the show. So, change your radio frequency to 88 FM Mustang from 8 to 10 pm tonight.
Children of Srikandi/ Anak-Anak Srikandi Indonesian Premiere
Taken from Children of Srikandi facebook:
Dear Srikandians,
We cordially invite you to our Indonesian Premiere to celebrate the screening of the long awaited film “Children of Srikandi”. We had such great screenings in Berlin International Film Festival back in February 2012 and cannot wait to watch the film together with all of you who had supported us.
This event is for public and FREE, so please bring your friends for the screening. After the film we will have a short Q&A with the Directors/Producer/Cast so don’t miss it..!!
Where: Goethe Institute
Watch the trailer here: hRtrFnMR2c8
Dear Srikandians,
We cordially invite you to our Indonesian Premiere to celebrate the screening of the long awaited film “Children of Srikandi”. We had such great screenings in Berlin International Film Festival back in February 2012 and cannot wait to watch the film together with all of you who had supported us.
This event is for public and FREE, so please bring your friends for the screening. After the film we will have a short Q&A with the Directors/Producer/Cast so don’t miss it..!!
Where: Goethe Institute
Jl Sam Ratulangi No. 9 – 15, Jakarta, Indonesia 10350
When: Sunday, 6th of May 2012 at 3 pm - 7 pm
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Selamat Hari Buruh
Selamat Hari Buruh!
Semoga niat pemerintah untuk mensejahterakan buruh seperti memberikan fasilitas kesehatan yang layak dan benefit-benefit lainnya, serta penerapan tingkat pendapatan tdk kena pajak untuk buruh dapat benar-benar terlaksana.
Semoga perusahaan-perusahaan tidak hanya mengedepankan efisiensi tanpa memikirkan kepentingan para pekerjanya. Pekerja = Aset paling utama.
Semoga niat pemerintah untuk mensejahterakan buruh seperti memberikan fasilitas kesehatan yang layak dan benefit-benefit lainnya, serta penerapan tingkat pendapatan tdk kena pajak untuk buruh dapat benar-benar terlaksana.
Semoga perusahaan-perusahaan tidak hanya mengedepankan efisiensi tanpa memikirkan kepentingan para pekerjanya. Pekerja = Aset paling utama.
hari buruh,
Monday, April 30, 2012
Happiness :)
This is what I call happiness :)
nicko krisna,
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
DRuQIuSHOW Webpisode #1
Endru (@endrumarch) told me few weeks ago that he and Qiu (@tabibqiu) will bring back the DruQiuSHOW that has been in a comma for about 2.5 years. This time, they collaborate with and each episode will be uploaded to Youtube every 2 weeks.
This is the first episode of DruQiuShow:
DruQiuShow contains several segments such as:
Here's what you can do:
Follow @DruQiuShow, @EndrumarcH, @TabibQiu, & @HipHopHeroesNet
This is the first episode of DruQiuShow:
DruQiuShow contains several segments such as:
- HipHop Update : latest news about Hip Hop in Indonesia
- HipHopnesia: promoting development of Hip Hop outside Java island
- What Next: inviting rappers to promote their singles or projects
- Showcase: live performances of the guest
- My View: what the expert says
- Black Box: the hidden treasure of Hip Hop in Indonesia
Here's what you can do:
- Go watch the episode!
- Share the link of this youtube video to others.
- Give any comments by mentioning @DruQiuSHOW or sending your email to
Follow @DruQiuShow, @EndrumarcH, @TabibQiu, & @HipHopHeroesNet
Monday, April 23, 2012
FILTHY RICH #1 at PARANOIA DANCE CHART for 2 weeks in a row
From Brrapp!, All Nite Long, and now FILTHY RICH finally made to the FIRST position at the PARANOIA DANCE CHART of 87.6 HARDROCK FM. Wooohoooo!!!
This is a tweet from Soenan Silalahi, the producer of Paranoia:
Dance Chart@HardRockFM 20–26 April #1.(1) Filthy Rich By Yacko & Lawrence Philip - 2 Weeks In A Row
Thanks for the support PARANOIA. Big thx to Soenan & Prita! Also the hosts, MC DRWE and MC Cheryl.
This is a tweet from Soenan Silalahi, the producer of Paranoia:
Dance Chart
Thanks for the support PARANOIA. Big thx to Soenan & Prita! Also the hosts, MC DRWE and MC Cheryl.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Yacko & Lawrence Philip on SHOWCASE, KOMPAS TV
To celebrate Kartini's Day, Yacko and Lawrence will be perform on SHOWCASE, KOMPAS TV tonight (Friday, 20/04/2012) at 8pm. There will be Andien, Monita, Rieka Roeslan, Lala Karmela, and SHE as well.
Make sure you catch our performance!
Some photos from the studio:
Make sure you catch our performance!
Some photos from the studio:
wait! this isn't me :) this is Monita Tahalea |
Lawrence & Yacko in Free! Music Department 1st edition
Copied from Lawrence's page:
There’s a small write up about Filthy Rich, Lawrence's collaboration with Yacko in the 1st edition of FREE! Music Department magazine.
To read it, just head to their website at
There’s a small write up about Filthy Rich, Lawrence's collaboration with Yacko in the 1st edition of FREE! Music Department magazine.
To read it, just head to their website at
filthy rich,
lawrence philip,
The Making of FILTHY RICH Live Video Shoot (13/04/2012)
First of all, I'd like to thank JAVABASS Sound System for giving me the opportunity to do this live video shoot in #PHUNKTION75 at D'Barons. This has been a rare opportunity for me! So yeah, thanks so much Jerome, Sinto and Lawrence. Also to other DJs who also spinning the deck that night ADDER and OSGD. Of course big ups to the MCs as well, DFMC, Drift and Eloop. To Deska and Boris, thx man, hope u got some good shots!
Also much thanks to OBEY, Famous & Converse for providing us with new get ups for the video shoot.
At around 1 am, me and Lawrence took over the DJ booth. Rage Against the Machine was played to pump up every blood on the floor. Right after that, Filthy Rich was played. It sounds so frikkin DIIIRRRTTY! All the crowds gone MENTAL! I didn't know what to say, except YOU GUYS ARE FRIKKIN MASSIVE! thanks so much for being part of the live video shoot. I felt some kind of euphoric high and didn't realize that I almost lost voice that night. Unless you've experienced this feelin, you might not know what the heck I'm talkin about.
Here are some of the photos I took from Lawrence's blog

Some more behind the scene footage can be seen in RoyaleVideoMagazine. Thanks for posting it on your website RVM!!!
To Nicko, Jaka, Krucil, Rully Annash, Maha, Narend, Sarah Glandosch, and any of you who came to #PHUNKTION75 and contribute to the live video shoot.... Much bass & Love!
Also much thanks to OBEY, Famous & Converse for providing us with new get ups for the video shoot.
At around 1 am, me and Lawrence took over the DJ booth. Rage Against the Machine was played to pump up every blood on the floor. Right after that, Filthy Rich was played. It sounds so frikkin DIIIRRRTTY! All the crowds gone MENTAL! I didn't know what to say, except YOU GUYS ARE FRIKKIN MASSIVE! thanks so much for being part of the live video shoot. I felt some kind of euphoric high and didn't realize that I almost lost voice that night. Unless you've experienced this feelin, you might not know what the heck I'm talkin about.
Here are some of the photos I took from Lawrence's blog

![]() |
Me powered by CONVERSE & FAMOUS |
Some more behind the scene footage can be seen in RoyaleVideoMagazine. Thanks for posting it on your website RVM!!!
To Nicko, Jaka, Krucil, Rully Annash, Maha, Narend, Sarah Glandosch, and any of you who came to #PHUNKTION75 and contribute to the live video shoot.... Much bass & Love!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Updated schedule - April 2012
April 12 Showcase Kompas TV (tapping)
April 13 Be featured in Zeke Khaseli's launching Album - Goethe
April 13 Filthy Rich video live shoot at Phunktion75 - the Barons
April 15 LA Lights Streetball - GOR rawamangun
April 13 Be featured in Zeke Khaseli's launching Album - Goethe
April 13 Filthy Rich video live shoot at Phunktion75 - the Barons
April 15 LA Lights Streetball - GOR rawamangun
“Fell In Love with The Wrong Planet”, Peluncuran Album Kedua & Mini Exhibition Zeke Khaseli
Zeke Khaseli kembali meluncurkan album baru. Di Jumat, 13 April mendatang ia tak hanya meluncurkan album tapi sekaligus menggelar pameran kecil
“Nature procreates. Machine replicates. Life imitates. Love suffocates.” Sepenggal lirik dari lagu Causeway Bay ini terlihat sedikit menggambarkan isi album kedua Zeke. “Fell In Love with The Wrong Planet”, album kedua ini lahir dari apresiasi Zeke pada keindahan dari keseimbangan antara mahluk hidup dan semestanya.
“Fell In Love with The Wrong Planet” akan diluncurkan 13 April di Goethe Institut. Berlangsung pukul 19.00 hingga 22.00 WIB, akan hadir juga sejumlah musisi yang terlibat secara personal dengan perjalanan musikk Zeke selama ini. Mereka diantaranya adalah Akbar ‘Efek Rumah Kaca’, Emil ‘Naif’, Yacko, Acum ‘Bangkutaman’, Angga ‘Indobeatbox’ dan Anggun Priambodo.
Pengunjung yang hadir di sini dapat menikmati penampilan musisi-musisi tersebut dalam suasana semesta psikadelia. Mereka sekaligus jadi bagian dari pembuatan film dokumenter Zeke, “Panspermia”.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
SCREENING FILM DOKUMENTER HIPHOPINDO #BLACKBOOK2012 adalah sebuah media online yang menjadi wadah bagi komunitas Hip Hop di Indonesia sejak tahun 2000.
Setelah 12 tahun berdiri, bekerja sama dengan Cineprime Pictures ingin mempersembahkan sebuah film dokumenter HiphopIndo yang berjudul #BLACKBOOK. Film ini dipersembahkan untuk menghormati para pelopor, artis, dan generasi masa depan Hip Hop di Indonesia. Diharapkan film ini bisa menjadi kisah singkat yang mampu membangkitkan kembali adegan Hip Hop untuk generasi masa depan.
Dengan bangga, dan Cineprime.TV mengundang rekan-rekan media untuk hadir pada pemutaran perdana film Hip Hop dokumenter dengan keterangan sebagai berikut.
Acara: Screening & Discussion #BLACKBOOK sebuah film dokumenter Hip Hop Indonesia (Bagian 1)
Tempat: @atamerica, Pacific Place, Lantai 3
Hari, Tanggal : Sabtu, 3 Maret 2012
Waktu: 15.00 – 18.00 WIB
Seluruh pengunjung berkesempatan untuk diskusi bersama:
John Parapat sebagai founder dari
Ferri Yuniardo sebagai Sutradara Film #BLACKBOOK dan founder HiphopIndo.NET
Herman Kumala Panca sebagai Sutradara Film #BLACKBOOK dan dikenal sebagai editor FILM Kara Sebatang Pohon, Blind Pig Who wants to FLY dan The ZOO
(Cannes International Film Festival 2005, FIPRESCI Award at the 2009 International Film Festival Rotterdam, Berlinale Film Festival 2012)
Saksikan juga aksi panggung dari Problemz, 8Ball, Arvisco ‘Zero One’, Zamzam ‘rap Cianjur’, dan AntzKilla+Run BDG.
“Karena Kita Gak Bisa, Gak Mau, dan Gak Berhenti!”
1. Acara ini terbuka untuk umum, tidak dipungut biaya, dan tanpa registrasi.
2. Registrasi diwajibkan bagi rekan-rekan media (Online dan Tv) yang ingin meliput dengan membawa Video Camera, Handycam, atau semacamnya. Harap menghubungi contact person kami: Allin – 085780438415.
Salam, & Cineprime.TV
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Yacko is performing with Lawrence Philip TONIGHT at 9COUSTIC
9COUSTIC is a regular event held by 99ERS Radio at ROLLING STONE CAFE, Jakarta.
Tonight, I be performing with the one and only Lawrence Philip promoting Filthy Rich of course.
Call us krezy, but we ain't gonna hypnotize you with any slow tunes. We gonna pump up the bass and it's gonna be blaring outta the speakers so frikkin loud!
It starts at 7 pm, me and Lawrence will hit the stage around 9pm.
Ready to jump around tonight?
Tonight, I be performing with the one and only Lawrence Philip promoting Filthy Rich of course.
Call us krezy, but we ain't gonna hypnotize you with any slow tunes. We gonna pump up the bass and it's gonna be blaring outta the speakers so frikkin loud!
It starts at 7 pm, me and Lawrence will hit the stage around 9pm.
Ready to jump around tonight?
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
*free download at
Go to a bar go to a club
sitting on a V.I.P and say wussup (wussup wussup wussup)
but dont try to mess with me
belive me you got no guts to deal with me
with me nuthin to me with me nothin to..
nananana jumpin around (u follow me) 4x
now say it
im a millionaire, im a billionaire
coz i am filthy rich
got money on ma mind, money on ma hand
coz i am filithy rich
so little time, much things to do
cruisin d nite chillin d vibe, riding the ride with my crew
u kno what i do, u can do it too
coz dat's who i am dat's true
let me kno what u up to
coz u kno i like it too
nananana jumpin around (u follow me) 4x
now say it
im a millionaire, im a billionaire
coz i am filthy rich
got money on ma mind, money on ma hand
coz i am filithy rich
what u say to me
i dont give a f#%^ (f%^& f%^& f%^&)
haters be haters
they bring me no luck
oh yeahhhh
i dont say nothin
i dont hear nothin
do u hear sumthin
coz i dont do nothin
whateva u're tryna do
u just act like a fool
am a do nothing
F%^& you
Go to a bar go to a club
sitting on a V.I.P and say wussup (wussup wussup wussup)
but dont try to mess with me
belive me you got no guts to deal with me
with me nuthin to me with me nothin to..
nananana jumpin around (u follow me) 4x
now say it
im a millionaire, im a billionaire
coz i am filthy rich
got money on ma mind, money on ma hand
coz i am filithy rich
so little time, much things to do
cruisin d nite chillin d vibe, riding the ride with my crew
u kno what i do, u can do it too
coz dat's who i am dat's true
let me kno what u up to
coz u kno i like it too
nananana jumpin around (u follow me) 4x
now say it
im a millionaire, im a billionaire
coz i am filthy rich
got money on ma mind, money on ma hand
coz i am filithy rich
what u say to me
i dont give a f#%^ (f%^& f%^& f%^&)
haters be haters
they bring me no luck
oh yeahhhh
i dont say nothin
i dont hear nothin
do u hear sumthin
coz i dont do nothin
whateva u're tryna do
u just act like a fool
am a do nothing
F%^& you
filthy rich,
FREE DOWNLOAD of FILTHY RICH feat. @lawrencerandom is AVAILABLE NOW!
As i promised you last week, FILTHY RICH can now be downloaded for
FREE & LEGAL only at FREEMAGZ. Please be advised, that you are
downloading the ORIGINAL/EXPLICIT version of FILTHY RICH. The lyrics may
not be suitable for children. :)
Here's the link to the download page:

All you gotta do is HIT the TWEET BUTTON.
To successfully download Filthy Rich, I recommend you to use Firefox/Chrome/Safari browser on Laptop/PC.
Thanks to FREEMAGZ for makin it happen! :) #freemusic is an online media that provides the lastest and updated information about entertainment and lifestyle including cool events, good music, new hangout places, reviews, travel destination, art, and cool gadgets.
Here's the link to the download page:
All you gotta do is HIT the TWEET BUTTON.
To successfully download Filthy Rich, I recommend you to use Firefox/Chrome/Safari browser on Laptop/PC.
Thanks to FREEMAGZ for makin it happen! :) #freemusic is an online media that provides the lastest and updated information about entertainment and lifestyle including cool events, good music, new hangout places, reviews, travel destination, art, and cool gadgets.
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