Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
This song is compiled together with other collection of songs in Junk Magazine issues 19 April 2008 which you must listen to with your volume cranked up.

1Asia wanted to ultimately show that regional hip hop is free from a lot of the odd stigmas people attach to it. As Mo explains, “we knew it had to be established with some understanding of hip hop roots and progress in each country. It had to come from friendship and some willingness to explore and cross-market. It also had to have some kind of authenticity in their own interpretation, and free from stereotypical perception, like Asians shouldn’t rap in English, mainstream or underground sound, western or oriental flavour.”
The Powerder Records man continues, “other tracks from WordsManifest, Phlowtron , Yacko, Yin Ts’ang, Soul-ID , Prosa , Thaitanium and Altimet are obvious choices, taken from their own projects. ‘Princesses’ is an experiment that went on for four years before it got mixed for 1Asia, Kz’s was an unreleased forgotten gem and we found out that it was available. DJ Nesh is probably the only DJ we know that constantly and proudly spins Asian hip hop in his sets, so we felt it was only right that he opened the album.”
The concept of Asian hip hop though, still strikes a lot of people as a little odd. What with hip hop predominantly seen as being a black America thing. A lot of people still have trouble taking Asian hip hop seriously.
“The view that hip hop is only a black America thing is one of the biggest misconceptions ever with regards to hip hop. Even in its infancy, there were other ethnicities involved in the birth, evolution and popularity. But its human nature for peoples to observe superficially and see what they want to see,” says Altimet, the A&R man of Powder.
Altimet continues, “with 1Asia, I think we’re showing one of hip hop’s greatest strength’s: its adaptability. This adaptability is even more relevant now as a lot of change is happening all around us at a rapid pace.”
*click here to read the full article
Monday, April 28, 2008
New Hip Hop Flavas For Ya Ears (Junk Online.net)
Altimet – First Among Equals (March 2008)
King Of Malaysia (KOMY for short) is probably one of the illest MCs in Malaysia and he’s finally dropping this much-anticipated album First Among Equals. This will feature the hit singles “Sayang Sayang” with Mawar Berduri and his latest single that’s getting heavy airplay on radio, “Chantek” featuring Adeep of Fabulous Cats.
Malique – OK (March 2008)
The other half of Malaysia rap phenomenon Too Phat is out with a Malay rap album. His collaboration with new Malaysian soul singer Najwa on “Kau Yang Punya” which is a remake of The Roots’ “You Got Me” has been getting mad airplay on Indonesia radio even before the album is released! Watch this.
Dose Two – Ordinary Heroes (April 2008)
The big boys of Flow Familia be working hard on their first record together with Sona One and they are called The Goodfellas as a collective. Trix and Qube have released a limited pre-album called Morning Pills featuring tracks you won’t hear on Ordinary Heroes and it’s already sounding dope.
SSK – RM (Rap Melayu) EP (April 2008)
NBE and Saph (making up SSK) are two boys featured on The Rebel Scum’s “Bakdatang” single. NBE has released his solo single “MC Struggle” as a first single. You will also find “Posesi MC”, the single from SSK as a duo.
DJ Fuzz - Mixology 2 (April 2008)
One third of super Stylustiks and Bum Squad DJ is releasing his new and improved mixtape featuring tracks from the hottest acts from the region. Gathering acts such as Silksound, Che’Nelle, DJ Lethal Skillz, Cesar Comanche, Vandal and Ramallah Underground, it’s already off the dope hook.
Various - OneAsia (April 2008)
Fifteen rare tracks from China, Hong Kong, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei compiled as a ‘Asian Hip Hop’s Best Kep Secrets’ album. From Thaitanium to DJ Nesh to Yin T’sang to Infinite Flow, this is a great collectors’ item.
Jin Hackman – Jinius At Work (June 2008)
This Rogue Squadron emcee attacks his words with his lyrical rhymes that will make you weak in the knees. With productions by Funktionz (Emceedavid) and RS very own beatmakers namely Phrozt (Familyboy), HQA (The Rebel Scum) and Skware-1, you got to recognize that this LP is going to be dope.
Joe Flizzow – The President (July 2008)
The icon of Malaysian hip hop himself, Joe Flizzow has been hyping KL City for the longest time. Featuring big outfit of KRS-One on “Get It Done” with collaborations from emcees and producers from around the region, this is one album not to be messed with.
Yacko – Mendua (January 2008)
One of the biggest female MCs in Indonesia recently released her 15-track CD. This album features some of the best producers in the game with guest appearances by Sister Duke, Kingstone, Soul ID, Mistah of Diplomats International, Wizzow, Akira, and Said Souljah. Yacko’s first single “Bronies” is already burning up the charts, and the second single “Jalan Keluar” with Sister Duke is definitely catching up fast
Soul ID & Dmust Akira – The Collusion (February 2008)
After Soul ID’s third album Jiwaraga in 2007, one of the members went on to pursue a solo effort, but they kept it high and released something new. This will be Soul ID’s fourth album with new guest member Dmust Akira featuring the lead single “Maukah” that has been hitting high on Indon radio charts.
Various - Just Duit Volume 2 (April 2007)
A long-awaited follow up to the first Just Duit and has been creating buzz in Jakarta, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. This Diplomats presentation of Just Duit Volume 2 a DIPNET Mixtape features new ish from The Diplomats International that includes collaborations from a list of amazing names and contains tracks from The Diplomats International’s up-coming album as well as Freestyles and Exclusives.
Masia One – Pulau (April 2008)
This Singaporean/Canadian female emcee’s translated as ‘the island’ will pay tribute to both her heritage and explore the influences of her newfound musical environments featuring collaborations with Nicolay and The Buddah Brothers. Baby girl is taking over.
Krazie Starr – King Kong Drumz (May 2008)
Citing the ever so innovative Missy Elliott as a main influence, this 20 year old Singaporean just wants a hella fun with his own brand of Hip Hop. With production from singer/songwriter/producer Imran Ajmain, with production by Brand New Feeling, Magic Potions and K.Starr’s own label, MagixxMusixx.
Freaky Z – The F Dept (May 2008)
This very successful comedic Singaporean rapper is releasing a new release that will be more street and darker than his first release Fymphs. On The F Dept, it will be Freaky Z’s first time to have a list of featured artistes from the Lion City to keep it fresh including Bless, Xstatix and Irfan.
Various - Profit & Pleasure (May 2008)
Unreleased singles from Bangkok’s LuxLivin’ label artistes featuring Allurre the big boss man himself, also including SAC, Def L, Ink, Silverback, Mr. Saxman, Mark Kozen from seemless Clothing/LIFE Entertainment and even Malaysia’s Altimet. Unheard tracks from each artistes’ album will be heard in this compilation. Another must grab for Hip Hop rarity.
Pamilia Dimagiba – The Resistance (Third Diagram) (March 2008)
This hard spitting outfit from Manila is known as the premier underground group. Pamilia D has been an independent act since 1997 and now finally able to release their first album ever, after their Dra*Manila EP. These 6 Filipinos’ new single “Larangan”, an old Tagalog word which translates craft or filed, is on fire!
Marquiss - G.R.A.E (Greatest Rap Album Ever) (May 2008)
This track will be released on Marquiss's upcoming album entitled G.R.A.E and will also serve as a single to promote SPECKS, a budding new urban clothing line in the Philippines.
Compiled by Kevin Yeoh
Yacko in Jawa Pos Online
Banyak musisi yang berpendapat bahwa major label adalah satu-satunya cara meraih popularitas. Namun, tidak dengan Yacko. Ketika merilis sophomore, MenDua, salah seorang lady rapper Indonesia tersebut justru memilih hengkang dari label mayor, tempat yang selama ini menaunginya dan merilis album debut, Refleksi (2005).
Tentang itu, rapper bernama asli Yani Octavia tersebut memberikan jawaban. "Penyebabnya, aku merasa digantung oleh pihak label," kata Yacko kepada DetEksi Jawa Pos via telepon. Namun, Yacko tidak menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai arti ucapannya itu.
Selanjutnya, Yacko pilih merilis albumnya via label indie bernama Rizky Rekordz. Label tersebut juga menaungi salah satu grup rap papan atas Indonesia, Soul ID.
Urusan cakupan bisnis, label indie mungkin kalah dengan major label. Tapi, Yacko berpendapat bahwa itu bukan sepenuhnya jaminan. "Keberhasilan promo juga tergantung pada kemampuan controlling kita," komentarnya.
Lagi pula, Yacko lebih suka konsep street promotion. Artinya, setelah mengadakan show, dia langsung menjual albumnya kepada pengunjung konser. Kurang lebih, seperti yang dilakukannya pada launching MenDua pada 23 Maret lalu di Jakarta.
Untuk mendongkrak penjualan album, Yacko juga memanfaatkan fasilitas internet. Yakni, memasang album di beberapa situs social network seperti Myspace, Friendster, Blogspot, dan Youtube. (aul/rum)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
From 5 classes dat I handled dis semester, only 1 student performed badly, and i had no choice but to fail d student. Sad but true. Some students really deserved to be given an A, all because of their effort and hard work thru out d semester. Some others deserve to only just pass, due to their average performance. But one thing I can say, I had a really good time dis semester. Thanks to all ma students who have brightened ma day. Congratulations guyz! I am so proud of you! and for those of u who failed, dont give up d fight!
Friday, April 11, 2008
A POST from OPA: MySpace di blokir, musisi indie meradang!
Makasih yah OPA (papil) :)
Selasa, 2008 April 08
MySpace di blokir, musisi indie meradang!
Baru aja beberapa menit lalu Yacko nelpon gw.
"Opa, lagi sedih ne, mo marah, mo curhat tapi bingung banget. Kenapa sih myspace dan multiply di blokir? Trus gimana aku mau promo albumku?" cerocos rapper yang baru aja merilis album baru "Mendua".
Yacko adalah salah satu musisi indie yang menggunakan jasa internet (termasuk MySpace, Multiply dan You Tube) sebagai ajang mempromosikan album musicnya. Ini menurutnya sangat efektif sebagai salah satu cara mempenetrasi pasar dalam mempopulerkan album musicnya.
Gimana mau promo kalau myspace dan multiply di blokir?
Pertanyaan ini pasti menggelayut dibanyak orang, khususnya musisi2 indie yang sangat membutuhkan media internet, khususnya myspace.
MySpace adalah media paling akrab dengan para musisi indie. Walau banyak media lain yang juga berfungsi sama, namun Myspace sepertinya situs yang paling kondang untuk urusan promosi musik.
Lantas sekarang kemana musisi2 indie harus menulis dan mengabarkan kepada penggemarnya atau sesama komunitas tentang perkembangan karir musik mereka?
Tak sedikit musisi2 seperti Yacko ditanah air tercinta kita Indonesia ini. Apakah terpikirkan oleh pemerintah keberadaan mereka yang menggantungkan hidup dengan media ini? Kalau saja pemerintah (dalam hal ini Depkominfo)lebih bijaksana dengan memberikan jalan keluar (misalkan dengan menginformasikan situs alternatif yang bisa digunakan jika Mysoace di blokir), tak hanya bisa membuat surat perintah pemblokiran.
Ditutupnya situs MySpace dan juga beberapa situs populer lainnya,seperti YouTube, Multiply dan Rapidshare, adalah buah dari regulasi Depkominfo tanggal 2 April lalu. Dalam surat edaran bernomor 84/M.KOMINFO/04/08 itu, Menkominfo Muhammad Nuh menginstruksikan 146 ISP (Internet service provider) dan 30 NAP (network access provider)untuk memblokir situs-situs yang memuat film Fitna
Penting pemerintah menyikapi peredaran "Fitna" di internet. Tapi penting juga memeikirkan orang2 yang bergantung hidupnya di situs2 yang di blokir gara2 film Fitna. Tapi sungguh disayangkan, reaksi yang berlebihan dengan membangkitkan kembali cara2 Orde Baru dalam menyelesaikan masalah.
Film tak bermutu yang dibuat oleh orang frustasi (sebagian besar warga Belanda tidak sepaham dengan Geert Wilders) berhasil membuat pemerintah Indonesia menyikapi dengan membabi buta. Mendingan juga film Fitna diputar di 21 biar orang2 pada tau kalau itu cuma sebuah film bualan dari orang yang ingin mendiskreditkan Islam. Orang2 Islam tak bisa dibodohi dengan film sampah seperti itu. Jangan sampe, orang belum nonton tapi udah apriori duluan.
Justru semakin penasaran semakin ingin tau pula. Pemblokiran tak efektif karena banyak cara orang untuk tetap mengakses. Apalagi pake rasa penasaran, pasti otak nambah encer hehehe.
Tak perlu takut. Semakin banyak orang nonton film Fitna, kian banyak pula orang yang mendoakan Wilder masuk neraka hehehehe. Biar cepet mampus!!!
Kesedihan Yacko, dan temen2 musisi indie yang sangat bergantung pada internet, khususnya MySpace mudah2an segera berakhir. Mudah2an pemerintah cepet sadar diri.
Buat yang pengen buka situs internet yang di blokir, coba di buka via www.ninjaproxy.com atau www.vtunnel.com. Silahkan di google aja, masih banyak kok web yang bisa membantu ngebukain situs2 yang di blokir. Ya termasuk membuka situs www.fitnathemovie.com heheheheeh.
Btw mau tau tentang film Fitna, buka aja di:
(ehh jangan2 wikipedia juga di blokir. abis sudah deh sumber informasi terlengkap kita)
Monday, April 7, 2008
"Setiap masalah selalu ada jalan keluar" (Yacko 2008)