Tuesday, April 24, 2012

DRuQIuSHOW Webpisode #1

Endru (@endrumarch) told me few weeks ago that he and Qiu (@tabibqiu) will bring back the DruQiuSHOW that has been in a comma for about 2.5 years. This time, they collaborate with HipHopHeroes.net and each episode will be uploaded to Youtube every 2 weeks.

This is the first episode of DruQiuShow:

DruQiuShow contains several segments such as:
  • HipHop Update : latest news about Hip Hop in Indonesia
  • HipHopnesia: promoting development of Hip Hop outside Java island
  • What Next: inviting rappers to promote their singles or projects
  • Showcase: live performances of the guest
  • My View: what the expert says
  • Black Box: the hidden treasure of Hip Hop in Indonesia

Here's what you can do:
  1. Go watch the episode!
  2. Share the link of this youtube video to others. 
  3. Give any comments by mentioning @DruQiuSHOW or sending your email to DruQiuSHOW@hiphopheroes.net
Update Info :
Follow @DruQiuShow, @EndrumarcH, @TabibQiu, & @HipHopHeroesNet
Like http://Facebook.com/DruQiuShow
Subscribe http://YouTUBE.com/user/HChannelid

Monday, April 23, 2012

FILTHY RICH #1 at PARANOIA DANCE CHART for 2 weeks in a row

From Brrapp!, All Nite Long, and now FILTHY RICH finally made to the FIRST position at the PARANOIA DANCE CHART of 87.6 HARDROCK FM. Wooohoooo!!!

This is a tweet from Soenan Silalahi, the producer of Paranoia: 

Dance Chart 20–26 April #1.(1) Filthy Rich By Yacko & Lawrence Philip - 2 Weeks In A Row

Thanks for the support PARANOIA. Big thx to Soenan & Prita! Also the hosts, MC DRWE and MC Cheryl.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Yacko & Lawrence Philip on SHOWCASE, KOMPAS TV

To celebrate Kartini's Day, Yacko and Lawrence will be perform on SHOWCASE, KOMPAS TV tonight (Friday, 20/04/2012) at 8pm. There will be Andien, Monita, Rieka Roeslan, Lala Karmela, and SHE as well.

Make sure you catch our performance!

Some photos from the studio:

wait! this isn't me :) this is Monita Tahalea

Lawrence & Yacko in Free! Music Department 1st edition

Copied from Lawrence's page:

There’s a small write up about Filthy Rich, Lawrence's collaboration with Yacko in the 1st edition of FREE! Music Department magazine.

To read it, just head to their website at http://digital.freemagz.com/2012/fmd01/

The Making of FILTHY RICH Live Video Shoot (13/04/2012)

First of all, I'd like to thank JAVABASS Sound System for giving me the opportunity to do this live video shoot in #PHUNKTION75 at D'Barons. This has been a rare opportunity for me! So yeah, thanks so much Jerome, Sinto and Lawrence. Also to other DJs who also spinning the deck that night ADDER and OSGD. Of course big ups to the MCs as well, DFMC, Drift and Eloop. To Deska and Boris, thx man, hope u got some good shots!

Also much thanks to OBEY, Famous & Converse for providing us with new get ups for the video shoot.

At around 1 am, me and Lawrence took over the DJ booth. Rage Against the Machine was played to pump up every blood on the floor. Right after that, Filthy Rich was played. It sounds so frikkin DIIIRRRTTY! All the crowds gone MENTAL! I didn't know what to say, except YOU GUYS ARE FRIKKIN MASSIVE! thanks so much for being part of the live video shoot. I felt some kind of euphoric high and didn't realize that I almost lost voice that night. Unless you've experienced this feelin, you might not know what the heck I'm talkin about.

Here are some of the photos I took from Lawrence's blog

Me powered by CONVERSE & FAMOUS

Some more behind the scene footage can be seen in RoyaleVideoMagazine. Thanks for posting it on your website RVM!!!

To Nicko, Jaka, Krucil, Rully Annash, Maha, Narend, Sarah Glandosch, and any of you who came to #PHUNKTION75 and contribute to the live video shoot.... Much bass & Love!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Updated schedule - April 2012

April 12 Showcase Kompas TV (tapping)
April 13 Be featured in Zeke Khaseli's launching Album - Goethe
April 13 Filthy Rich video live shoot at Phunktion75 - the Barons
April 15 LA Lights Streetball - GOR rawamangun

“Fell In Love with The Wrong Planet”, Peluncuran Album Kedua & Mini Exhibition Zeke Khaseli

Zeke Khaseli kembali meluncurkan album baru. Di Jumat, 13 April mendatang ia tak hanya meluncurkan album tapi sekaligus menggelar pameran kecil

“Nature procreates. Machine replicates. Life imitates. Love suffocates.” Sepenggal lirik dari lagu Causeway Bay ini terlihat sedikit menggambarkan isi album kedua Zeke. “Fell In Love with The Wrong Planet”, album kedua ini lahir dari apresiasi Zeke pada keindahan dari keseimbangan antara mahluk hidup dan semestanya.

Bukan cuma musik dalam “Fell In Love with The Wrong Planet” yang tampil beda, tapi juga kemasannya. Dikemas dalam sebuah totebag dengan delapan pilihan desain berbeda. Masing-masing desain mewakili judul lagu yang ada dalam album ini. Istimewanya totebag album ini selain menyertakan CD dan kemasannya juga terisi stiker ilustrasi serta katalog album “Fell In Love with The Wrong Planet”.

“Fell In Love with The Wrong Planet” akan diluncurkan 13 April di Goethe Institut. Berlangsung pukul 19.00 hingga 22.00 WIB, akan hadir juga sejumlah musisi yang terlibat secara personal dengan perjalanan musikk Zeke selama ini. Mereka diantaranya adalah Akbar ‘Efek Rumah Kaca’, Emil ‘Naif’, Yacko, Acum ‘Bangkutaman’, Angga ‘Indobeatbox’ dan Anggun Priambodo.

Pengunjung yang hadir di sini dapat menikmati penampilan musisi-musisi tersebut  dalam suasana semesta psikadelia. Mereka sekaligus jadi bagian dari pembuatan film dokumenter Zeke, “Panspermia”.