Monday, October 28, 2013

How to Order The Experiment by E-mail

E-mail your order to:


Identify your full name, address, post code and mobile number and the amount of CDs that you order.

Then, you will receive an e-mail that identifies:

  • The price of the CD (Rp 40.000) and the shipping fee that you have to pay.
  • The bank account number to transfer your money to.
All you gotta do next is to go to the nearest ATM and transfer the money. Once you transfer the money, please send the transfer receipt to OR take picture of the proof and mention me on twitter @yacko.

Harga Normal The Experiment: Rp 40.000

Cara pemesanan:
  1. Kirim e-mail ke dengan subjek: ORDER THE EXPERIMENT
  2. Tulis nama lengkap, alamat, kode pos dan nomor HP kamu beserta jumlah CD yang akan dipesan
 Setelah itu, kamu akan menerima e-mail berisi:
  • Jumlah biaya yang harus dibayar (harga CD + ongkir)
  • Nomor akun bank untuk mentransfer
Setelah melakukan transfer, silahkan lakukan konfirmasi dengan cara:
  • Kirim email ke dan sertakan bukti pembayaran
  • Foto bukti pembayaran dan mention @yacko di twitter.


Milla Joesoef said...

koq di email saya belum ada balasan yg masuk yah?

Milla Joesoef said...

saya udah order, tapi koq di email saya belum ada balasan ya?

Unknown said...

hallo dasylva, emailnya belum masuk tuh. mohon kirim lagi. thanks